Making Space for Art, For Future Generations

Have you thought about leaving a gift that will last generations? Donating to Creative Land Trust in your will can create lasting opportunities for artists and makers of the future.

Artists are being pushed out of London and with them we lose the creativity and diversity that makes our country special and successful. Without access to affordable studio space artists won’t have the space to experiment, innovate, try and fail. Without artist studios, our world-class West End theatre production, ballet, opera and film production will become lacklustre; our catwalks will no longer be at the avant-garde of the fashion industry, and new art in the exhibitions we visit will no longer challenge us.

With your support, Creative Land Trust can help artists and creative practitioners for generations to come, by securing long-term affordable workspace, enhancing creativity and securing sustainable practices.

Hear from our artists

“Some of my friends here had struggled to find affordable spaces in London, often venturing far from the city center to find anything, really. I’d say I’m pretty lucky to get this space, it’s so affordable. It’s pretty much in central London, and the area around it is amazing. It’s very creative. It’s got a very good vibe.” Zarina Khan, Artist

Read Zarina’s story

“Living in London, specifically East London, is something that’s extremely important to me; and [because of Creative Land Trust] we can stay in London and make work and meet other artists, which is a huge part of our work. The community is so important.Lindsay Mapes, Artist

Read Lindsay’s story

Your gift can go a long way in helping artists across the city by:

Preserving culture

Through nurturing emerging and established talents by weaving artists back into their communities.

Making space for art

Investing in and renovating buildings across the city to build long-term affordable workspaces.

Opening opportunities

Exposure to the industry allowing artists to make a living from their craft and maintain financial stability.

Get your free will writing pack.

The National Free Wills Network connect individuals with local solicitors to make it easy to leave a gift in your will to your chosen charity. There is no obligation to include a gift to the Creative Land Trust by using this service, but we do hope you’ll consider supporting our vital work, after you’ve provided for your loved ones.


Photography (from top): Sylvie Belbouab, Monika Sorelle

Interested in our work?

London needs long term affordable workspace for artists. Creative Land Trust is a simple and lasting solution. Please contact us to find out more or join our newsletter